
Archive for October 2nd, 2007

Get the juices flowing . . .

. . . .ew get your mind outta the gutter. I just meant the mental working juices. SJ  and I were supposed to go to a concert Saturday night, but it got canceled so we vacillated for EVER trying to decide what to do. We could have still gone to the venue–a HUGE Honky Tonk bar, but without the concert it seemed awkward and tawdry when you’re not looking for a man (might be those issues I have. . . .)–and you’d have to go there to understand.

So anyhoo, I digress . . .

SJ and I ended up going shopping–UBER exciting I know. And we hit our usual haunt . . . Chili’s. Many a book has been plotted, preened and pined over in Chili’s. We teased, tormented and taunted our very cute Waiter-slash-bull rider (no joke). We forced, and I do mean forced, ourselves to plot a book for which the author was ever so reluctant to work on–and NO it weren’t me.

Afterwards we headed back to her house. Being that I wasn’t ready to head back to kinder-world I decided to amuse myself by going through her mammoth bookcase of writing craft books. I found one book that looked intriguing: Fondling Your Muse. It had a section on writers block so I decided to read it–aloud. This book cracked me up. A tongue and cheek look at writing. I didn’t read all the way through the book, but it got me laughhing so hard–granted it could have been the Strawberry Mango Margarita or being midnight.

Whatever it was, the next day I wrote two pages. It may not sound big to you but considering I can’t even remember the last time I wrote ANYthing, two pages is HUGE. AND the day after that I wrote TWO more!


This book might not open the great barrier of why to or how to write, but if you like humor that bites but is uber-funny–this is a great book!

What have you found inspiring lately?

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