
Archive for September, 2007

ME . . . ???

I was tagged by Mik on what makes me shudder.

Here’s my list: spiders (ewwwww), seeing a loose dog running around (oh nooooo), my boss saying, “I need you to do me a favor” (gasp-shudder), stopping in traffic on a bridge (GAW!), writing a REALLY good sex scene (oooohhhh-aaaahhhh), heights (egad!), did I mention spiders???

I’m tagging Moe, Larry, and Curly.

and a pretty pic for the weekend . . . gotta love this guy!

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It Aint Summer Baby

So I had a meeting with a group of one of the boys’ teachers (nothing bad, he was released from speech as he’d met all the standards) and I was talking about my books. The principal didn’t a subtle but there nonetheless double-take. Then mentioned, “Oh yes, a summer read book.”


Why is it okay to read “trashy” novels in the Summer and not the rest of the year? Granted, she is in the school system so I can give her the benefit of the doubt it’s a time constraint on her part. However, I have heard this before. Is it dirty to curl up with a romance novel as you take your late night bubble bath on an Autumn evening, or as you sit by the warm fire of Winter?

Maybe I am making too much of it—hell, I was with my mother just yesterday and told the gal she was talking to I write “smutty” novels—though this was said with a broad smile and a slight puffing of the chest. I prefer to say that as those who will be put off by it tend to shut the hell up in that moment and those who are intrigued become more intrigued and ask genuine questions and you often can sell a book or two 🙂

My opinion may be biased as I write and read romance novels, but to my thinking, if someone is reading ANYthing that is a GOOD thing. I am not embarrassed by what I read and/or write. Hell, how many people do you know that have written (and published) books? Well, now that I say that pretty much everyone I know has *big grin*, but you get the point. It’s a pretty big accomplishment and don’t diminish my accomplishment because you are embarrassed to admit you read them! (okay that is two different rants in that one paragraph, but the snobbery is the same both ways)

I will say, the only time I cover the covers of my books is when I have one at the elementary schools, and only because you never know when the PTA will get wonky. My kids all know what I write (I had two books w/ me yesterday and Mini-me says, “MY mom made those.” gotta love your kiddos) and though they have never read one of my books, they also know WHY they haven’t read it—it’s not for younger eyes. If they chose to read it in the future they can. Summer, Autumn, Winter hell even in the Spring!

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Perk needed . . .

I hope this can perk me up!

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Goodbye Friend

One of my ‘Buds had a recent picture of Jack and it’s too lovely not to share!


To lose a friend so dear
Though you know the time is near
A heart that aches
And eventually breaks
The tears come tumbling down

Cherish the memories close to you
Pull them out and put on view
When you need a moment to recall
Review good, bad, glad and all
And still in tears you’ll drown

Copyright © 2006 Denise Belinda McDonald

The world lost a remarkable man this week. Jack Fryrear will be remembered and missed more than words can express!

His whit and humor drew all near to him. His love for writing nurtured many. And his love for his wife was to be envied!

Good bye Jack

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