
Archive for the ‘writing’ Category

Shameless self promotion

So when I signed my Harlequin contract in October, I had no idea how quickly things might move (I anticipated the book to be released in a year or so). Color me shocked and then some when I got notice my book: Baker’s Law would be released in February—2014. Yep in a little over two months.

I haven’t even gotten a cover yet and it’s already up on Amazon (WOOT) as a pre-order. It’s initial release on Feb. 3 is going to be part of a e-book box set  with three other authors (Selena Bowen, Rebecca Avery and Amy Jo Cousins). Of course I’ve already pre-ordered my copy! In May, the four e-book titles will all be individually released.

How exciting is that?!?!

The Harlequin Series Digital First is a brand spanking new line. The first two books will be released in December. It’s pretty exciting—did I already say that? Rolling on the floor laughing

I am working hard—writing every day (often with Amie’s pushing me along, ‘cause I need it!) getting the next book to the finish line. And can I just say, from day one of my “writing career”, selling to Harlequin was number one on my list of goals. I achieved it! And now I can’t wait to make a new list and get rocking on that.

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Two lies and a truth

Okay so that’s not quite right. It’s supposed to be, two truths and a lie. Have you ever played this game? You give three “facts” about yourself, two of which are true, the third being a lie (pretty self-explanatory by the title). I figured I would tweak this game a tad (hence being one truth) and update folks on some news about me. It’s a fun way to get the word out, yes?

Anyhoo… here we go.

1) I am pregnant with boy child #5

2) I sold a two-book deal to Harlequin

3) I got a fairy tattoo on my shoulder


Out of the three, which one do you think is the truth? Can you guess or do you hate guessing games? (who could hate guessing games, though?!?)

So what do you think? Going, going….

The truth is:


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I was cleaning out my computer files (I hoard even those) and I found an article I wrote last year that may be of some use. I hope some of this may be helpful!

Some people are new to writing. Some people have been writing for years but never come across a need for information in specific areas. Whatever the case, there are a ton of sites with information you may want to keep bookmarked in your computer—but you didn’t know. Until now…

Maybe you’re ready to send out your first book to a publisher, but you’re not sure about the guidelines such as word count or snail-mail vs. e-mail submissions.  How do you find it? If you write romance, RWA’s (Romance Writers of America)  website (http://www.rwa.org/) has a section for publishers with fairly updated information. First, you do have to login to the member’s section. Then, go to: Member Resources, then Publishers and Agents, you can either click on Publishers , it will show what they’ve been doing lately and click their name for info or click on Market Update to go straight to mailing/subbing info. You can see what they’re looking for. I would, however, suggest you Google, Yahoo and/or Bing the editor you want to send it to first just to make sure they’re still there. (You don’t want to be the one subbed book that is sent to a long-gone, but for whatever reason still listed editor—straight from the slush pile to the trash can!) Agent information is also listed in that section under Agent Update.

Another place you can look at editor/agent info is at: Predators and Editors (http://pred-ed.com/). It will tell you if a place is recommended (by what they’ve gleaned from people dealing with them) or if you should run not walk and stay away.  P & E also has a host of other writing related areas. Remember, though, it’s just another kink in the chain of research before you send off your manuscript.

Also, on agents, try one of these places when looking up or looking for someone:





RWA University has a great calendar of events set up with upcoming courses, check out the website to plan which you will attend!

If you want to know how much you may expect to earn by publishing house, Brenda Hyatt has a wonderful website (http://brendahiatt.com/show-me-the-money/) where she compiles a list every year.

eHarlequin’s website (http://www.eharlequin.com/) has everything from their submission guidelines to pod casts by editors and authors to online classes. It has a huge community of authors (pubbed and not-yet-pubbed) to communicate with (and you can buy books too…).

 Writer’s Digest (http://www.writersdigest.com/GeneralMenu/), much like eHarlequin, has everything from courses to books to advice and so much more. Be prepared to spend some time as both places have so much information to wade through. Oh, and, if you ever get stuck and just have no clue where to start writing for the day, WD has a “prompt” section (http://www.writersdigest.com/TipsPrompts/), try it and see where it can take you.

Romantic Times Book Reviews Magazine (http://www.rtbookreviews.com/) has book reviews (as the name states) but it also has an online community as well as help for aspiring authors.

Like to read articles on publishing and the world around it? Try an online magazine: Publishers Weekly (http://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/home/index.html)

Have you heard NANO bandied about? Don’t know what it is? It stands for: National Novel Writing Month (http://www.nanowrimo.org/); the function is to get 50,000 words done in a month (the month of November). Just another way to keep you actively writing.

If you don’t already have your domain purchased, it’s not a bad idea to go ahead and get it. You can spend as little as $9 a year; and you can make your registration private—I pay the additional $8 a year for private registry because people can click on it and see the info associated with it. You can obtain/register your domain at places like Go Daddy, Domain and Network Solutions—Google them for the sites as well as many others . (As someone who has a “.net” web-addy and added my middle name because my name without it “. com” was/is taken… it’s worth it if you think you’ll ever use it).

Not ready to jump into the domain field, you can dip your toe in for free with blogs. WordPress (http://wordpress.com/) and Blogger (http://www.blogger.com) are two, easy to navigate, routes. You can personalize them as much or as little as you have time or knowledge for. They also have multiple pages to be utilized. And did I mention they’re free?

Did you attend last year’s RWA conference? Or the one before that? No… Did you know you can look up the conference handouts online? On RWA’s site (http://www.rwanational.org/cs/conference_recordings_and_handouts), the 2009 thru 2011 handouts are available online (you don’t even have to be logged in).

Just for fun:

I worry about naming my characters after someone who might take offense—I have never deliberately done this, but there are only so many combos of names right? But how to know for sure… I always Google my character names and see what pops up. If you like to waste more time play, try this website: (http://www.howmanyofme.com/) “How many of me”. It will tell you, as the name implies, how many people have that name. Denise McDonald for instance, there are: 268. My kiddo, whose name I spelled a little different than the norm, one or fewer.

Need a little extra push to get words on the page? Try Write or Die (http://writeordie.drwicked.com/), you can set the terms –word disappearing if not fast enough typing on your part or a simple little nudge to move it along (on the site, look to the right sidebar for the timer).

Remember search engines are your friend. Even if you’re not sure what you’re looking for. Try adding words to your search such as author, writer or writing and you may open up a world of knowledge you didn’t even know you wanted to know.

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A new year

It’s a new year, new beginnings, but—same school year. I guess after all the years I was in school and now that my kids are in school, it always seems strange to me to make resolutions during Christmas break. They go back to the same school, same classes and teachers so it doesn’t seem like anything is “new” per se. The only “new” things besides the kids Christmas gifts… I found a couple of new wrinkles around my eyes this morning … and yes, I count them just like I do with the freckles on my youngest. If you have freckles you may understand this—my face (well, most of me) is covered in them. I started getting them when I was 7 and I have hated them ever since. My three oldest boys, when they passed the age of 7, then 8 I left them alone—only a handful between the bunch. My youngest now 10, though, has a smattering more, but not as many as I do—thank goodness. He does have one smack on the tip of his nose—kinda cute…. but oh how I digress…

I don’t make resolutions, because as I’ve said on here before, I tend to balk at being told/suggested what to do even if it’s by me. I am my own worst enemy for resolutions. I don’t know why. Maybe the pressure is too great. Maybe I am just weird… So the new year doesn’t bring in this need to make right what the year before didn’t accomplish. Don’t get me wrong, I do always strive to do and be better. And I do set goals, but they tend to be a right here and now goal. Day by day sometimes minute by minute.

By my weird one day goal, I will say that over the holiday I finished up a manuscript I’d been working on (it’s a Cozy mystery, in first person no less… something a *little* out of the box for me) and I sent that puppy out to a Publisher. We’ll see what happens and I will keep you posted on the progress. All of that was with one day goals. Write X-amount today. Most of the days I did. Some I went way over. Some I only got a sentence or two, but I got through it.

So I am not going to ask you to tell me what resolutions you came up with for 2012. I will, however, challenge you to make daily goals. Even if they’re small. It amazed me how much I got done in little bits  (and let me remind you, two weeks of that time was with the kids home—4 boys are *not* quiet!). But … if you have goals that already work for you… go for it. See how much you can get done in 2012.

Still, it is a new year. 2011 is gone and done. I hope that 2012 is most productive for you all!

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The Cowgirl gets some paper

I love my e-books. I actually had an old, old Palm Pilot years ago. My hubby bought it for me for my birthday. And this was years before e-readers were out there (No Nooks or Kindles). I was reading my e-books everywhere… and the great thing was it was backlit so I could sit with all the lights off, not keep anyone else awake (because, I tell you, when my kids were really little, if there was a light on after bedtime they’d find you… ), and read to my heart’s content. My point is, I’ve dug e-books for a long time.

Still, there’s something to be said for a paperback. And as a paperback hoarder, I love me some in-my-hand books (I think last count I was rounding the 1600 mark—like I said, hoarder). I love the feel and the smell of paperbacks. I love to look at a bookshelf and figure out which ones I’ve read, which ones I’ve reread and which is next. Granted, I am a *little* weird when it comes to books. Back when I only had 3 kids (there’s 4 now) my only out-of-the-house time was taking the boys to the library. I would start at one end of a section and work my way to the other end. I’d read 75% of the books in it, then move on to the next section. Truth be told, I still do that, but my trips to the library are fewer since I now hoard my own collection. I’m sure there’s got to be some program for excessive readers, but as I won’t go, don’t bother to tell me. Smile with tongue out

All this is so you understand why I was so excited to see RHINESTONE COWGIRL come out in print. The only thing better than paperbacks, are *my* paperbacks. Open-mouthed smile and yes, I am totally biased!

dbm-rhinestone-full (6)Poppy Dumphy is Beverly Hills born and bred, and she has everything money can buy-except a connection with her father. After his death, she learns why and leaves her posh life to expose a long-kept secret.

In Rowdy, Texas, small-town living suits Cale Hollander to a comfortable T. He runs his ranch, helps his neighbors, and is wary of strangers. The former rodeo bronc buster wants to return to his first love-riding. The last thing he needs is a distraction in the form of a petite blonde.

The pair butts heads at every encounter as intensifying attractions-and mounting suspicions-flourish. Neither is prepared for the other as they fail in their fight with temptation. If they give in, will they both lose all they cherish when the truth comes out? Or can they build a life together better than either ever dreamed of? ** A BookStrand Mainstream Romance

for excerpt:


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My go-to

I’ve been asked several times recently about using real life people for inspiration. At first I said, naw, I don’t. Then I glanced around my desk and realized, I actually have three main men. And I have them at hand all the time. Okay, I just have pictures of them as I don’t *actually* know them. Sure, one of them I have seen up close(ish) and personal, if you call standing behind him in line at a burger joint “up close”. (yeah I totally chickened out when I could have spoken to him. But truth be told the view from behind was quite nice, I must say…) I have told this burger tale many times before as it was the start of THE COWBOY PLAN. It was truly an inspirational moment for me!

He is a cowboy in heart, spirit and by his love in life. He’s also a country singer. (Chris Cagle)

I have dedicated the last 5 or 6 books to him. So, okay, I only used his initials, because again, that whole chicken side of me is afraid that he might find it odd and/or creepy (assuming he ever even found out) and not be thrilled. As I tend to way over-think things, I am sure this is one of the “way past the deep end of thought”. But anyhoo… I have shared that little secret with you so it’s out there now. Winking smile

The second guy I don’t even know his name (kind of makes it even better—so mysterious and in a “I can make him whoever I want…” sort of way, but not in a creepy way, y’know…LOL). I have actually spoken to him, but only briefly and on behalf of my kiddo. Copy of 100_1787 bYou see, he was a “knight” at the local Ren Fair.

To watch him on horseback made every girlie fantasy sigh in the greatest pleasure possible in public sort of way! I could see him in chaps and a Stetson riding off to protect his family or land.

It was inspiration handed to me on a silver plate-d horse saddle Rolling on the floor laughing

My child (that’s the back of #4 boy’s head with “him”) was all distraught because “his” knight was felled in the jousting competition and was convinced he was truly hurt. We went to find “him” afterwards to assure the kiddo, the man was indeed okay. The knight, as you can see, got down and spoke to my son.  (He was hawt to begin with, but his talking to my son bumped him up 1000% In love)

The knight with his dark locks and piecing blue eyes, has the closest placement on my desk. It is such a hardship to have to see him every time I sit at my computer, let me tell you…

The third man—Alex O’laughlin—I don’t know if he’s every played a cowboy. But watching him on TV as he tackles the wrong-doers… Between Moonlight where he was hell-bent to protect his friends from good intentions and bad guys and now on Hawaii 5-0 where he is awesome to watch in hand-to-hand battles (big sigh) he has the kind of fortitude you want your small town sheriff to have to keep his town safe. And he’s not hard on the eyes.Okay so he’s totally hot… so again, no hardship on my part to have a pic of him sitting on my desk.

But let me clarify this all a little. I always have a pretty good idea of what my characters look like so it’s not so much that I look at all these pics for the ideas of hair, eyes etc., but I look at them and think of the girlie, fanning-self reaction I’d get if I came face-to-face with them (okay so me, I’d probably clam right up and act like I didn’t even know who they were for fear of acting like a total fan-girl and embarrassing myself, but still…). I try to translate that into the book when the hero and heroine meet for the first time.

And, who doesn’t want pics of gorgeous guys on their desk?!?!

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Today is the release of my ninth book: RHINESTONE COWGIRL… WOOT!


From Siren Bookstrand Publishing

Genre: Contemporary, Western Romance
ISBN: 1-61034-590-8
Length: Novel
Price: $4.99
Publication Date: August 16, 2011 (in e format; print due Dec ’11)

Cover art by Jinger Heaston

Poppy Dumphy is Beverly Hills born and bred with everything money can buy except a connection with her father… after his death she learns why. She leaves her posh life, travels halfway across the country to expose a long-kept secret.

In Rowdy, Texas, small town living suits Cale Hollander to a comfortable T. He runs his ranch, helps his neighbors and is wary of strangers. The former rodeo bronc-buster wants to return to his first love—riding. The last thing he needs is a distraction in the form of a petite blonde.


The pair butt heads at every encounter as intensifying attractions—and mounting suspicions—flourish. Neither is prepared for the other as they fail in their fight with temptation. As they give in, will they both lose all they cherish when the truth comes out? Or can they build a life together better than either ever dreamed of?


And …..


Don’t forget, WRONG TURN, RIGHT COWBOY is now available in print.

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Not for Chocolate

I know many an author who get up before dawn to get in a few hours of writing before they … [fill in things that have to be done, be it a job, deal with family, school etc] and their day begins. They will sacrifice their sleep to get the words down (I can’t do that—I’ve tried and my brain doesn’t function that early in the morning). With the advent of the mini’s, alphsmarts and such, folks will sit in a corner, car or bench on their lunch break to get in writing time. No socializing with coworkers. As I have none, I don’t honestly know if this is a big loss or not, but for some it probably is.

Personally, I have written in lieu of housework (okay, so maybe that’s not such a big sacrifice on my part). There have been times where the rest of the family is in the other room, being together and I am in my office typing away. Once or twice I have skipped a family function when I was under the wire with something. This hasn’t happened often though.

It can also be cost preventative. New computers are not as bad as they used to be, but you do have to plop down a chunk. Not to mention virus protection crap and all the other trappings that come with new equipment. I have given up buying this knickknack or that; I would sooner by software then casual wear. I will say having a family of six however, the writing goodies can be on the back burner at times. It’s crazy how quickly boys go through shoes—it’s like a new size every 3 or 4 months, if they haven’t just flat out destroyed them before that.

If it’s something we want to be doing, we gladly trade off. But sometimes I think dissension can creep in and rear an ugly head of, “Why are we having mac-n-cheese again rather than your 3-hour lasagna.” Or “Why can’t I keep dreaming of hunk-de-jour?”

As a writer, what have you had to give up? Are you happy about it or just resigned to the fact? What are you absolutely not willing to give up?

For me, I haven’t reached that, “Oh, I couldn’t…” Yet. It’s hard to imagine what would it would take. Maybe not having written under contract it’s a way easier give and take. I have the leisure of writing when I want to—or not writing. I am only kicking *myself* in the ass when I don’t keep the work up. There are something I would find a way to make sure I have, though. The internet–a necessity (I still have dial-up service, just in case). Must have music somehow. And chocolate or coffee or or the other is an absolute must have! There would be a week of mac-n-cheese if it meant my coffee would be gone otherwise. The boys understand (or will when they grow up and need that caffeine jolt!).

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This year’s goals

I am bad about keeping up w/ my blog(s) but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been productive. Since January 1st I have written 12000 words (and haven’t even gotten to my goal words for today). I am *thisclose* to finishing up a book I need to send to my editor for consideration (fingers crossed). I am 2/3 rds through the sequel to the book that I am pitching to agents (again fingers crossed).

So again at the January YR meeting we set our 2010 goals. Mine are as follows:

—  Write every week honest and true I write every day–haven’t missed one since September–knockwood–but there’s less pressure for weekly than daily, if I miss I don’t have to beat myself up.

Get an agentself-explanatory

Sell to NYagain, need I explain?!?!

Avoid umbrellasthis is an inside joke. One gal, when I “don’t get” her story, has waved an umbrella–among other things–at me 😆

Get an office spaceI don’t *need* one. I just really, really want one. I mean, do I really need to pay for space when I am home alone during the day… but I WANT it! A fellow writer gal has one and I am pea-green w/ envy :mrgreen:

I figure those are decent goals. They are attainable, though the second and third are as much dependent on someone else as my effort. A not so attainable is the cabana boy. Still on my list, yet well…. I have to have something crazy put there or what’s the fun!

So here’s to 2010 and productive writing. Write on People!

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Mind out of the gutter folks. I’m talking about your characters.  I have started and stopped so many stories I could line every bird cage in Fort Worth with my half-way there, not close to done WIPs. When asked if I’m a panster or a plotter I always answer: yes. Because truth be told, I do both—even in the same story. Both have their drawback and both have tried and true methods. And you can get stuck with either. I can’t tell you how many times I have plotted a book out, I know where it’s going and who the bad guy is and then in the course of writing the thing, I learn, he didn’t really do it, he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. And I’m stuck staring at my screen trying to figure out who really did it.

Sometimes when this happens, I add it to the bird cage pile. But others, it makes the story stronger—even more fun to write. It’s a challenge. It lights that fire of creativity under my bum. If I can work myself out of the proverbial corner—because I didn’t see it coming—the reader will (hopefully) be more entertained because they didn’t see it coming either.

Still, once I am in that corner, I have to get out. But how? There are ways to jar the story in another direction—to open a doorway, or pop in a ladder, in that corner. Where does the ladder/doorway come from, you may ask.

Some writers will toss in another dead body (maybe even the person they thought did it to begin with—talk about a monkey wrench for the whodunit). Some writers will ignite a bomb and send the world into chaos for all the characters (right, Geri). Think about this: what is the worst thing that can happen at that moment? Make it happen.

If you’re not writing a suspense novel, it could be an ex unexpectedly showing up—maybe even with a baby in tow. A long lost family member who has secrets the H/H doesn’t want revealed. Again, what’s the worst thing for one of the characters? How can you really make them sweat? Something that will throw the H/H’s world off kilter from what you already thought you knew. And as an added bonus, it will pull the reader along for the ride.

Whatever works to drag the story from the corner, go for it. It can be quite the adventure.


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