
Posts Tagged ‘mom stuff’

Honestly I don’t know folks in the “early days” did it. Our A/C went out Friday night. In Texas in June that’s ugh! unbelievable. Sunday the temp got up to 101° outside and I can only imagine what it was inside the house after being high nineties on Saturday (we saw a movie, went to the mall, hit a bookstore). Last Summer we replaced the outside unit with fingers crossed the crap up in the attic would last longer–well it made it 11 months.

I will say, I whimped out and took the boys to a hotel room Saturday night. We were close enough that I could come home a couple of times and check on the dogs (creepy driving to your own home at 6 in the a.m.–I so never lived a wild life!). The boys got to swim/hottub alone for over an hour, they had a full breakfast bar (and I swear they ate enough to cover half the room cost!) and we had a cool night’s sleep. (last year, I was at conference and the DH had to deal with the July heat–lots of QT drinks and trips to stores he wouldn’t normally do with the gaggle of guys).

Monday: enter A/C repair. At first we hoped it was just out of Freon. They came out and it took a look on Martin’s (the wondabus A/C dude’s assistant) face for me to know it didn’t look good. He said it was not only empty of Freon, but COMPLETELY empty. He refilled it–but didn’t hold out hope it would take. It stayed cool until Tuesday morning then like a flash, the house heated back up ten degrees in about two hours. Luckily a storm front came through and dropped the temp to mid 70s. Tomorrow we will get the coils in the attic replace and I hope that is it!

If you train a fan or three on you, and stay REAL still, it’s not horrible, horrible, but you feel all ickified!

Again, I really have no clue how folks managed to do it back before central heat and air! (I remember stifling summers in west Texas at the gps w/ nothing more than the water cooler a/c thingie–humid and hot Sheesh!) I *heart* modern conveniences!!!!!!


EDITED 6-20-08: I should also mention this all happened with the dh being away for already two weeks due to basketball playoffs . . . . at the time no telling when he’d be back–we have to wait til the series is over. Thankfully Boston creamed LA and ended it and he came home yesterday to a cool house! (just in time for our anniversay TODAY 6-20-08 . . .16 years . . . WOW!)

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