
Archive for the ‘me’ Category

Oh wow …

I can’t believe it’s been almost two years since I posted anything on here. It’s amazing how time can zip past you and you don’t even realize it. I haven’t been idle all this time, I promise you. With 4 kids, 2 dogs (now 3–see below) and a much-traveling husband, things are ALWAYS on the go around here and something new is always happening. As a matter of fact, I actually have two new books coming out–one in August and the next in January. They are written under my (brand spanking new) pseudonym: Emery Harper. They are part of a cozy mystery series. I am currently editing book two in the series which can be quite a time-draw!

The hubby and I got a chance to get away and got to Hawaii this past winter. It was much needed downtime away from the male offspring that are always under foot!

IMG_1707On top of all that, I, just this very week, got a new puppy. And she is as cute and she is hyper (or asleep). She’s keeping up all on our toes! (She’s a Wheaten Terrier and already a McDonald through and through) wlEmoticon-winkingsmile.png

School will be out next week. This school year flew past and as of Friday, next week, I will have a high school freshman–oh, that is so hard to believe–and a senior. Wow and wow. The two older boys are both working full-time (and living here) having decided to forgo college–which is fine, I guess. I’d rather them work at something than waste money not wanting to be there–we already did a year each of that each.

Hope all is well with y’all and I hope to be able to keep on top of things a little better!

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As of late

Yes, I know I haven’t blogged in FORever (or as my kids say now if it’s something *really* long: five-ever—yeah, my kids are weird). Things with four kids are always hectic. It’s funny that I thought once I had two kids of driving age, life would be so very much easier. Boy, was I mistaken!

But that is the way of a mom, right? You push everything else back for the kiddos. (At least one kid appreciates it and has promised very nice accommodations at a top-notch nursing home when the time comes.) Nyah-Nyah

Still, it’s been months and I am sorry for the absence. Now, cut to THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL … WOOT! Rainbow

And how glad I am that the first day of school was managed and is over! They put #3 child (a sophomore) in Freshman English. I had words. They put him in Soph English but for some inexplicable reason they pulled his Theater class and put him in P.E. I had *WAY* more words (even as a beginning soph, he has already completed *all* the require PE credits—thank you marching band and baseball). He now has tech theater instead of P.E. (I warned him to be careful and nice to the girls in the class—were it not for NSHS tech theater there would be no him, or his bros Winking smile )

#4 child (in jr high—wow) all but melted walking home from school (over a mile in 103° w/ no shade at all—it’s not that far until you add in that dern heat); I felt so bad I will pick him up the rest of the week, at least. He’s deliriously happy. He was pleased with his classes, save the class with the Vietnam Vet who is very strict, he’s worried he won’t cut it. He will and it’ll be good for the kid!

The two college boys (oh, how that hurts to say!) seem to like their classes—so far. I’m not crazy about the books that cost (literally) twice the amount of the class hours themselves. One kid is pretty sure he can find one text book online, which apparently the teacher is okay with, while another one of his classes you have to have a code that comes with the book in order to turn things in. Wow… can’t believe that!

… and DO NOT get me started about the Cluster F#$% of traffic yesterday in front of the schools (which not a one had crossing guards—The elementary really surprised me, you want to make the kids fend for themselves on the first day of school, in uber-traffic?!?)

Le sigh … today is day 2. I will think positive and … To quote Mr. Roarke, “Smiles everyone, smiles”  Smile

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My latest book has released by itself today ~ WOOT!!



Book Description

Publication Date: May 1, 2014

Blue Collar Baker

In high school, Marissa Llewellyn had the hots for golden boy Jackson "Jax" Carlisle. So when he arrives at her bakery, yummier than ever, to investigate a series of break-ins, she can’t help being reminded of the awkward girl she was. But that’s not the reason she evades his questions….

Silver Spoon Sheriff

Jax grew up as part of the Fort Worth country club set, but as the new chief of police, that’s all behind him, much to the chagrin of his family. Though he may not remember Marissa, he can’t stop thinking about the woman she’s become—and the secret she’s obviously keeping from him.

A Recipe for Romance…or Disaster?

Marissa is determined to help the homeless teen she caught breaking into her shop, even if that means lying to Jax. And when the sparks between her and the sexy sheriff ignite into a passionate affair, Marissa will have to choose between following the rules he upholds, and her own sense of justice.


Amazon    ~     Barnes and Noble    ~     Apple    ~    Harlequin

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In order to help spread the word about the brand new way in which Harlequin-E is releasing its latest titles, four authors of contemporary titles releasing soon are hosting the Boxes Are Beautiful Giveaway:


On Monday, February 3rd, Harlequin-E launches the Contemporary Romance Box Set, containing four brand new titles by Sarina Bowen, Rebecca Avery, Amy Jo Cousins and Denise McDonald. The sticker price for the set is just $4.99, but it’s a temporary offer. In 90 days, the box will be "broken" into four separate books, each one priced at $3.99.


To celebrate this bargain, the authors will award four prizes. Four winners will each receive… a box! Coming their way will be a decorative wood and fabric box in the shape of a book. Measuring 10" in length, it’s perfect for jewelry or trinkets. And inside that box the winner will find CANDY.

Winners will also receive an electronic copy of the Contemporary Romance Box Set by Bowen/Avery/Cousins/McDonald in the format of their choice.

The giveaway will run from Friday January 31st through Sunday February 9th. Four identical prizes (box + candy + electronic books) will be awarded. Please let us know if you’d like to participate in the giveaway, and we will get the Rafflecopter code to you in time to set up your post.


Four Romances for One Amazing Price

Stranded together by a blizzard, scholar-turned-farmer Willow Reade and bad-boy ski champion Dane “Danger” Hollister generate enough body heat to make it through the night. But the sparks don’t stop flying when the snow does….

When stressed-out single mom Kayla Clark hires “retired soldier” Ronnie Brown from Man Maid to whip her household into shape, she’s not expecting him to be young, hot and willing to take care of her more personal needs….

Veterinarian Sarah Tyler isn’t going to wait another eternity for hotshot photographer J. D. Damico to kiss her again. And she’s gambling that what happens in Vegas will change her luck!

Bakery owner Marissa Llewellyn has always been sweet on sheriff Jax Carlisle, but her efforts to help a wayward teen have her bending the rules he’s bound to uphold….

Indulge your craving for fresh contemporary romance with this collection of four full-length novels!

Coming in from the Cold by Sarina Bowen

Maid to Fit by Rebecca M. Avery (Man Maid, Book 1)

Calling His Bluff by Amy Jo Cousins

Baker’s Law by Denise McDonald

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Cover art for Box Set

It’s getting closer. The cover for the box set is now out. (I will share my cover when I get the go-ahead!) box set

Four Romances for One Amazing Price

Stranded together by a blizzard, scholar-turned-farmer Willow Reade and bad-boy ski champion Dane “Danger” Hollister generate enough body heat to make it through the night. But the sparks don’t stop flying when the snow does….

When stressed-out single mom Kayla Clark hires “retired soldier” Ronnie Brown from Man Maid to whip her household into shape, she’s not expecting him to be young, hot and willing to take care of her more personal needs….

Veterinarian Sarah Tyler isn’t going to wait another eternity for hotshot photographer J. D. Damico to kiss her again. And she’s gambling that what happens in Vegas will change her luck!

Bakery owner Marissa Llewellyn has always been sweet on sheriff Jax Carlisles, but her efforts to help a wayward teen have her bending the rules he’s bound to uphold….

Indulge your craving for fresh contemporary romance with this collection of four full-length novels!

Coming in from the Cold by Sarina Bowen

Maid to Fit by Rebecca M. Avery (Man Maid, Book 1)

Calling His Bluff by Amy Jo Cousins

Baker’s Law by Denise McDonald


                       Available for preorder:         Amazon   or    Barnes and Noble


So very excited!

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So for the last what, 5 days—this being day 6—there has been ice on the ground. It’s keeping the kids home from school which in turn is driving me nuts and then some. In the DFW area, it’s about half and half—the Dallas area is back in school today, the Fort Worth area, they’re underfoot for a third school day.

I don’t know why it still amazes me how one little change in our (meaning my) daily routine throws everything else out of whack. You have kids who are so not used to being cooped up for hours much less days and they go a little stir-crazy. And it rubs off. Quickly. I haven’t been able to concentrate which means no writing. Throw on top of ALL that the fact that I have a head cold (probably from shoveling the driveway with a massive sinus infection) and the last few days have been more than enough. One the upside, the hubby actually went in to work today. He missed Friday and Monday thanks to Icemagedon—yeah that’s what they’re calling it here—so at least he managed to get away for a brief bit.

Tomorrow, I am dropping my kids off at school regardless of whether the doors are unlocked or not—I’m kidding of course. They’d just walk back since they know the way home.

On the upside, I did prepare for the storm and hit the grocery store in advance so we didn’t run out of food! The 10 dozen cookies I made on Thursday though didn’t make it through the weekend. The comfort food was the first thing to go!

I hope you all are fairing well as the storms head eastward. It’s your turn. We in Texas are quite done with it. Thankyouverymuch!

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Thanksgiving was yesterday. My kids have been off school (and driving me nuts) and we had several traditions to j0422849uphold. The first is that someone *always* gets ill the week of Thanksgiving. Every. Danged. Year. Without fail. This year was the hubby. though he is major denial of how sick he is. He wants me to hold off on the Mcturkey until Sunday. That alone should make him realize he doesn’t feel well (we still maintained our regular schedule for his entire family meal).

The Mcturkey being the second in the list of traditions. One year, hubby’s mom made manicotti for Thanksgiving and the hubby bitched and bitched for a good, solid fours months. You think I am exaggerating, but I am so not! So much he whined that I now make our Mcturkey the week of Thanksgiving to ensure that he has his stupid turkey—though I will say his mom hasn’t repeated “her choice” of what to server for her meal. (Yes, he’s a big ole baby!)

Football is an obvious tradition in a sports household—though I like it less and less every years—but what can you do?

For some reason baking has become a tradition. I like desserts! And I will end up making umpteen different batches of j0422850cookies by the end of the week. Shortbread is the flavor de jour this year—I tend to obsess and then overdo—another tradition I suppose. I will usually go through a couple of bags of flour & sugar and multiple sticks of butter… cookies w/o gobs of butter is just plain wrong.

You’d hope that being thankful would be a tradition that would especially be strong this week, but with teenagers, I am still trying to get them out of the “how does it affect me” mode. It’s a slow process but one I will endure and eventually achieve (or else!)

One tradition I do NOT partake in… Black Friday (or Thursday as it should be called now that *all* the stupid stores are opening early—what a shame!) I think because I worked retail when the hubby was in college, that shopping day has less than zero appeal to me!

What traditions will you observe this week? Which are new and which are family favorites?

I wish you all a very


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I want it, eh maybe

Let me let you in on a secret, I’m a shopoholic. I am. Worse, I am a BIGGER web-shopoholic, but I’m not. Don’t know what I mean, well let me explain… I love online shopping. Groceries aside, I think I do 90% of my shopping online. It’s just so much easier. I actually save money this way, because in a store I can *easily* (and I do mean easily) get talked into more. Every danged time. So the online shopping streamlines my purchases (and I am great at searching for coupons) and makes it easier to get in and get out.

Anyway… back to the web-shopoholic.

I have several stores I frequent—I won’t bore you with which ones, because I’m not here to promote anyone. I (daily) go to these online stores and I will put several things into the cart and on the wish list (I have items on one wish list that are multiple years old). I will move them back and forth and I will talk myself into and out of dozens of things. Often.

BUT… I don’t buy most of them.

I really don’t. I look, I covet and I remove with ease. Without guilt. Sometimes with some prolonged longing, but eh, no harm no foul right?!? My web-shopping isn’t limited to one product market either. I have books galore that I will go through (though truth be told, that’s the highest percentage of what I will actually end up buying). Clothing/shoes being the next most perused. Electronics coming in a close third with food—yes food—a not distant fourth.

It’s a weird habit to have, though I supposed the web version of window shopping is better then the actual shopping—I’d be broke, broke and broke some more if I bought all the things I want online. Sure I should be writing or reading in those online moments, but those are things you need your brain completely committed to and sometimes you can’t for whatever reason. The shopping, you can move away from and come right back to without the jarring interruption. And since I don’t knit anymore, and my sewing machine is under tons of things, the online perusal is my brain-downtime. It’s a way to relax and block out the world (and come right back to if need be) I suppose.

Do you have a weird pastime? A confession you want to admit to? Is there something that takes up a lot of your time that folks might raise an eyebrow at—that you want to share? And the biggest question…do you think I’m weird? Winking smile

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Don’t wanna do it

I have been writing/creating for as long as I can remember. I don’t know that there’s anything special about that, it’s just the way I am/haven been/will be. It’s me. The hubby is creative too, though in a different medium than I am (he was a thespian as a kid, well, he’s also dabbled at writing a time or two, so…) so my kids are predisposed to in from both sides. Does that mean they are creative? Well, my totally biased opinion is that yes, every last danged one of them are creative as hell. Do they want to be? See it in themselves? Even try to cultivate that creativity? Not at all.

It drives me a little bonkers when they relay something to me with so much dramatic flare that you’re right there in the moment with them (and there are many more examples I could give you, but I won’t bore you with my parental bragging). Cut to when you happen to mention that they should be a writer or whatever. Their reaction is not even consideration, but to shut down completely and say, "I hate writing." Or "I hate reading." It should break my heart, but really it chaps my hide more than anything. Again, totally biased mom here, but my kids might not be able make a real go of it right at this age. But they could at least hone skills that they clearly possess.

Granted, my kids are still young yet. So there is still hope they will turn that corner and decide to try their hand at something. Anything. I just really hate how, right now, they won’t even consider the idea that they could/would do it.

I take it back, I do have one kid who is somewhat pursuing creative endeavors. He’s my rocker kid and just by being in marching band and concert band, he’s at least immersed in music daily.

Do you have someone in your life who you just know has a creative bent but will not for whatever reason work at it? Have you given up trying to get them to take a chance? Or are you standing back and waiting for the right time to give the extra little push they may need?

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Do you Bow-wow

j0178656I am a pet person. I have two dogs. We’ve had goldfish (which we won at wedding of all things). If my kids had any say, we’d have cats, horses, hamsters, anything with four legs (no birds though–I have a kid afraid of birds–go figure). Anyhoo, as a per person, I often include them in books. I think having a pet adds depth to a character. It can give them a caring dimension that might note be evident through other actions.

j0403840Pets can also be a foil in stories. It can cause any number of mishaps and excitement. I just like adding them in. I will say though I do think it out, because if you’re going to have your character be on the run, or just on the move for any length of time, the pet ha to be considered. You can’t just mention so-and-so has a dog, then so-and-so is gone off doing this adventure and never goes more to take of said pooch, the reader is going to catch onto that and dislike so-and-so.

Cats, you can leave for longer periods of time, but if you don’t want your house to be icky, then you need to at least get home to clean out that litter box.

j0341562So anyway, back to my question, do you add pets to a book? What makes you decide to include one? Or not? And do you have a preference for a specific pet or do you go with the vibe of the book (you know, like how some people are cat people and some are dog people, etc)? And… what’s the oddest pet that you have or would use? Anything exotic, strange or otherwise not your run-of-the-mill animal?

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